Upcoming Competitions

Confirmed NZBA/ABA competition dates for 2023
January (2023) Jack Daniel’s Kumeu barbecue championship (back to back comp) 20-22nd
January (2023) Hunter Events Bar and BBQ Festival (21-22nd Australia)
January (2023) Hervey Bay BBQ Battle (Australia)
February (2023) Que & Brew Mt Smart stadium Auckland 4-5th
February (2023) Game on Southern Highlands 25-26th (Australia)
March (2023) Brewtown Wellington 10-11th
March (2023) Meatstock Melbourne 18-19th
March (2023) Tai Tokerau Low and Slow 25-26th
April (2023) Meatstock Toowoomba 14-15th
April (2023) Smoke on the Coast 21-23rd
April (2023) Bundaberg BBQ Battle 29-30th (Australia)
May (2023) Meatstock Sydney 5-7th
May (2023) Steak Wars 6-7th
May (2023) The Big Chill Festival 13-14th (Australia)
July (2023) Port Mac (Aus) 21-23rd
August (2023) King of the Mountain, New Plymouth 12-13th
September (2023) Culley's Smoke and Spice Comp 2-3rd
September (2023) Napier Jack N Smoke
October (2023) Barbecue Mania 5 Hamilton 28-29th
November (2023) Christchurch Let there be Smoke 15-17th
November (2023) Blues and BBQ Rotorua 24th-26th