Rum & Que

Team members:
Matt Melville
Tracey Melville
Ryan Lovegrove
Team bio:
Matt and Tracey are husband and wife and together with their good mate Ryan the 3 of us make up the team.
Rum and Que have been in the New Zealand BBQ scene for as long as it’s been around, competing at the very first competition to reach our shores - Meatstock.
The team has had a few member changes over the years but our current format has remained in place for the past 4 years.
We love BBQ and we love the BBQ journey we began over 5 years ago.
We realized pretty quickly all of those years ago, there was very little information and products available to the budding Kiwi BBQ enthusiast. So we quickly got to work, creating our range of rubs and sauce. We continue to push ourselves and products to be the best they can be. We do our best to help new competitors to the scene and share as much knowledge we can.
We’ve been lucky enough to represent NZ in BBQ at both “The Jack” in Tennessee USA, and “The Kingsford Invitational” in Sydney Australia.
BBQ is in our blood and we will continue our journey for many years to come.